Q/A session

 Your Questions and My Answers

Wassup guys... What a lovely day.. Isn't it? I know you missed my blogs and my blogs missed you too! 

Your questions were so awesome and made me think like being in an interview to get admission. I guess I should not waste my time and write the answers but before that I wanna ask you two questions. Please do answer.

  1. If you had a group of friends, what would you name your group and why?
  2. Would you rather not brush your teeth for a week or not bath for a week?
 Let's start...
1. Did you ever felt that you have been discriminated?

Answer: Um... Yeah. When I was a little kid, I was discriminated and challenged by some other kids  that I could never make a friend who is from South India. Do you see now? I've too many friends in South India.

2. Are you a silent girl or a chatty one?

Answer: Well!! What do you think? Please don't judge the book by it's cover. If you look at me, I look polite, silent but once you become my friend you would close your ears. I can break a record of talking nonstop.

3. Have you changed yourself in this lockdown?

Answer: Really? NO, UH-HU, NOT AT ALL and NEVER. I never changed myself and I'll never change myself in my life. This is my world and it should adjust. Well on my previous blog on teachers day I gave a quote that my friend gave,
"Let your smile change your world 
but never let the world change your smile"
Follow this and you would be the happiest person.

4. What is the nickname you have for yourself?

Answer: Well! I love this questions because I love nicknames. I have as Aarshu, Puppy( I was called in my school by my friends and I enjoyed having this name), Ladoo( I was called by my bus mates till 4th grade( I was called as I looked fat), Maini(It's my home name. Most of the girls nickname is Maini in Assam), my cousins call me Dudumaini, M square( maaida maavu) by my classmates, In 6th grade one of my friend called me K.C and I called her Maya and many more. Well, tell me your nicknames.

5. What is the moment you felt your grown-up?

Answer:  I felt myself grown-up when I saw my clothes doesn't fit me anymore( just kidding). I felt myself grown-up when I started to do chores on my own.

6. Would you ever wanted to spend your livelihood in Abroad?

Answer: My answer would be maybe. Cause' I don't know as I love the beautiful sides of other places but not the worst sides. So, it is better to live in the place where I'm comfortable.

7. What do you want to be when you're grown-up?

Answer: I wanna be a Nephrologist. Side by side I also want to be a singer and a classical dancer.

8. Did you hear Blackpink's new album? If yes, what was your fav song?

Answer: I like "How do you like that" song and "Ice-cream Chillin' " by Blackpink.

9. How many languages do you speak?

Answer: I speak in 8 languages. English, French, Spanish, Tamil, Hindi, Assamese, Nagamese(a little bit), Korean.

10. Your least fav colours?

Answer: Brown, Green, Yellow are my least fav colours.

11. What's the silliest thing you've done ever done intentionally?

Answer: Once me and my friend said a same word on same time and then she said Blackmagic. If I open my mouth I would get beatings. My teacher was asking questions about my state and I cannot answer as I would get beatings. So, my friend told to my teacher that I have toothache and cannot speak and I nodded my head. That was the first lie ever told to an older person.

12. What is the most embarrassing thing somebody you know did in front of you and you cringed?

Answer: Oh my gosh!! It was the most embarrassing thing in my entire life. I would never forget. Once there was my benchmate who often annoys everyone. He always farts and oh my god it is so disgusting. We had a complain box where if we have any complain we would write in chits and put it. Me and some of my friends wrote like ten chits and stuffed inside the box writing that I want to change my seat or benchmate. It didn't work. So, I directly went and told to my teacher and she made me to sit with a wonderful group who is always known for having chatty mouth, the GM group.

13.  What embarrasses you the most and/or what's been your embarrassing moment?

Answer: Well.. I don't remember coz I never embarrassed myself. Oh yeah I remember. Once when I was first grade, I was walking with my brother to the bus in school. Suddenly my brother's friend patted him and I misunderstood. I thought he bet my brother and I stamped my brother's friend's foot. My mother told to my dance teacher and my teacher told whoever comes to our class that I took my shoe off and chased my brother's friend.

14. What's your biggest fear?

Answer: Animals!!!:O I love to see animals but never gone near. Their sharp teeth are the scariest thing. Also my biggest fear is with clown and ghosts.

15. How do you like to be comforted when you're sad or upset?

Answer: A tight hug would calm me when I'm sad or upset. A hug is a big medicine which is free and you can get it anywhere, anytime you wish.

16. What's your favourite thing you own and why?

Answer: My weeping pillow. I can give anything but not my weeping pillow. Whenever I cry, I hug my pillow which calms me and brings me to the state of normal.

17. When was the moment in your life the hardest?

Answer: I'm the easy one. I laugh on simple jokes too.  I laughed the most when my friend was singing a Hindi song "My name is Sheela..." in a very wrong time.

18. Did someone do a prank on you? Share your experience and what was the prank?

Answer: Mostly my brother does prank with me. So once it was April fool day. My brother told me that my friend ringed bell. I immediately told my mother. My mother came to see my friend but no one was there. My brother pranked my mother instead me. I got saved.

19. What is the most funniest memorable moment?

Answer: Crying in the school hallway in first grade was my funniest memorable moment. I hate to go to school. Whenever my brother leaves me in my class, I lay down catching his feet and cry so hard that my class teacher, neighboring teachers and academic coordinator pulls me to the classroom and send my brother to his class.

20. Describe the outfit that suits you well?

Answer: Well every outfits suits me but if you ask about the colour then it is black.

21. Describe your dream city.

Answer: My city should have less buildings and many plants. People should be humble, polite and helpful.

22. What is the first thing you notice in a person?

Answer: It is their way of talking. Are they polite, kind and helpful? Thee questions would analyze the person's character.

23. What is the best advice you've been given?

Answer: Be who you are no matter what happens.

24. What's your fav song and why?

Answer: My favourite song is 'Birds Of Feather' as I love my friends. I also wish that I could have a friend group like them.

25. Who is your fav cricketer and why?

Answer: My first favourite cricketer is M.S Dhoni as he is a well finisher, the best captain and a postive - thinker.

26. What do you think will be your spirit animal?

Answer: Turtle will be my spirit animal. The turtle totem wisdom teaches us about walking our path in peace and sticking to it with determination and serenity.

Thank you for all your Questions. Thank you for making me special. Meet you in my next blog but to tell you honestly I love reading your blogs. So, don't stop.

Yours blogmate,


  1. NIce one. And answer openly. Keep going and i really missed your blog so much.

    1. Thanks a lot. Your support builds my blog writing spirit...
      I too love your blogs=)

  2. Wow!! Super fun! I like HYLT, too, but Crazy Over You, Pretty Savage, and Love To Hate Me are my absolute faves.
    To answer your questions, I would call my group of friends "The Savage ___" (number of people)
    I would rather not bathe, because I can use a deodorant. But a stinky mouth stinks (duh) and it feels really bad. My mouth tastes disgusting when I wake up from sleeping after one night, imagine how bad it would be after one week!

    1. I too love the song Savage love.
      What a beautiful name u would keep for your group.
      Glad u like my blog....

    2. No, Pretty Savage and Savage Love are two different songs. But I love Savage Love, too! Especially the BTS cover! Also, I replied to your comment on Park Triplets!

  3. Thanks a bunch for answering my questions . Gotta know more about you ! Doing chores on your own is amazing ! Your answers were truly acceptable ! Your advice was lovely .
    I really loved this post !

    1. Answers for your questions :
      1. If you had a group of friends, what would you name your group and why?
      Maybe " Dream Team " or " Circle of trust " ( weird uh ?)
      2. Would you rather not brush your teeth for a week or not bath for a week?
      I would not bathe for a week ! I guess , that's better I always feel so lazy to take a bathe ! I would really be hopeless , if I don't brush my teeth !

    2. Thanks for answering my questions. Circle of trust is a club where students who participate should have the truth bunny and tell a secret. I know this as I saw a movie in Disney International channel named the "Invisible Sister". There was a group called circle of trust. Thanks for answering my questions=)

    3. Yeah . Actually I got it from there !

  4. Got to know more 'bout you! And thanks so much for answering my questions. Imma gonna take some time and then answer ur questions

  5. Answers to ur questions:
    1) I'll probably name my girl gang 'Screaming Divas' or 'Queen Baes'-(hope u get the pun) or 'Backstreet gurlz'
    2) Hmmm this is a really tough one. I love taking long showers and I can't stand bad breath. God Aarshia, you got me here. Well I guess self-care first;D. I'd rather not brush for a week.. But no worries I'll chew gum for a good breath. I love gum (lol)!!

    1. Amazing names for your group. Well, Most of them chose that they wouldn't bath but nice idea to chew gum. I to love chewing gum but I'm not allowed. Thanks for answering my questions=)

    2. Ooh, smart thing about the gum. I don't like bathing too much. But once I get in the bathroom, wild horses can't drag me out. I take at least one hour, and I don't even shower, I bathe!

    3. I too take for an hour singing and bathing=)

  6. Hoho!! Tanx a lot for answering my questions!! Lovely anses
    Shristika ❤

  7. Thanks a lot. Your support builds my blog writing spirit...
    I too love your blogs superπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘†

  8. Cool blog!! I have a question, so here goes. Is your profile picture really you?

  9. The question 'Did the quarantine change you' is like a personal transformation kinda question. Like I feel like a lot of people have changed during this quarantine and it's not like a "bad" change, it's just becoming a better person.

  10. heyy girl, I JUST found your blog. Like, I miss you so much and after finding your blog, it feels like I am still in touch with you. loved this blog.


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