
Showing posts from July, 2020


READING OVERLOAD Bonjour à mes lecteurs!! Welcome back to my blog. Thank you for your comments...Your comments were so encouraging that gave me more pleasure to write this blog. I was so eager to write this blog and I guess you too were eager to read. I am so glad to write my second blog, “Reading Overload"!! I read so many books that had some interesting things that are so rarely known. So I thought to share you the things I read.               1. As I'm an Indian, I'm gonna start with India. India has so many things which is known by few people. I would like to say a thing which may not be heard often. 1. Mahabharata is a holy book of Hindus. In Mahabharata we know that Bhīma’s child was Ghatotkacha. Ghatotkacha married Maurvi, princess of the Yadava dynasty. They had a child named Barbarika. Barbarika became a skilled fighter. He received an extraordinary gift from Lord Shiva, three unbeatable arrows that would be with him forever. The arrow never fails its aim. Barb


Buenas noches, todo el mundo! I'm exhilarated to write and be a blogger. I had stepped into this new world of blog. In this URBANE PANACHE!!, I'm gonna write about the things that are common between us. The things we need to talk about, would be more lively in this blog. I'm nervous and eager to know this world of blog.      Oh! BTW: I'm Aarshia with a charming, 24 karat smile and a butter cup eyes; writing the blog with 13 years old brain. I like to experience new things that are way ahead. I want your help and support. I love to read books. I love to dance mostly classical. I like hear to songs. I like to talk with my friends.              I would really be glad to see the encouragement by your comments. Your comments is my first step of getting accustomed to this blog. So, this is what I want to convey that you read my blogs and tell me how it is, on my blog by giving a comment. I'm very excited for my next blog that is coming on Monday. Every Monday and Friday I